
Growing an Indigenous Economy in Nigeria as an Antidote to Economic Dependency



syndrome can be ameliorated through deliberate state policies geared towardsengendering indigenous production, exchange, consumption and distributionefforts by Nigerian locales. The imperative of the work stems from the age-long unequalrelationship between the third world countries and the western capitalist countries. Theinterest is further spurred by the realization of the fact that dependency as aphenomenon or problem of relationship that gave rise to the economic growth anddevelopment of the western world at the expense of the third world societies which areeconomically underdeveloped, and lack the capacity and ability to control the economicsystem or productive processes of the societies is long overdue. This relationship has been orchestrated by the role played by the petit comprador bourgeoisie class. In ourattempt to analyze and address this problem, we relied on the Dependency theory forthe theoretical framework while the paper employed a desk research in gathering andanalyzing data. The paper found out that the unequal relationship between Nigeria andcountries of the western world coupled with the negative role of the Nigerian economicelite was discovered as the major problem worsening Nigeria's dependency syndrome.Amongst others, the paper recommended that the Nigerian state should deliberatelycreate indigenous industries that can advance the economic needs of the state as againstthe dependence on foreign products, goods and services or what is popularly referred toas a Cargo Economy