
Juxtaposition of Gender Equity and Critical Perspectives in Nigeria Literature



Gender equity is a focal issue m the contemporary literary world. The representation of women is the mam thrust of the womanist theory. The tenet of its critical analysis is the transformation of contemporary social system through a combination of two modes of criticism, the crit1que of the already existing socio-cultural structures and the inventi0n of alternative modes of survival for women and the society at large.
Traditionally, men are strengthened through material empowerment and other predefined roles such as headship which gives them edge over women. Such traditional empowerment enabled men to deny women's access to vital reproductive resources in the society Women arc expected to focus their sexuality on their primary role of child-bearing and rearing for the propagation of their family line and other domestic affairs. Keeping women perpetually under their husband's financial control and dependency affects soc1etal development negatively and this is not in conformity with the UN Millennium Project, which if accomplished will promote globalization and self-reliance for women The essence of empowerment is to enable women to be financially Independent. The empowerment of women in Nigeria is discussed under Empowerment and Subjugation of Women, Career Women, and Education as Empowering tool.