



This study was carried out to ascertain the motivational factors among
secondary school teachers in Niger State. It was also designed to determine
whether the motivational factors among these teachers differ according to
their gender, experience, school location, school ownership and academic
qualification. To ascertain the above, six research questions and four
hypotheses were formulated to enable the study be statistically tested. A
sample of 400 teachers were selected through stratified random sampling
technique from 40 selected secondary schools scattered all over the State.
Out of this number, 390 responded to the questionnaire. Data was collected
using a questionnaire instrument designed by the researcher. The research
questions were answere:d using mean scores (with de9ision rule of 2.51) and
t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The
result of the analysis were presented in tables. Analyses of data revealed
that the motivational factors among teachers in secondary schools in Niger
State include salary, job satisfaction, availability of teaching I learning
materials, performance appraisal, job security, opportunity for advancement I
promotion, improved human relations and workers' benefits. The major
findings of the study revealed that; though some of the factors were
favorable to the teachers, they felt being maltreated in the areas of provision
of teaching I learning materials, opportunity for advancement I promotion
and workers' benefits by their employers. The study also discovered that
there was no significant difference in factors of motivation among secondary
school teachers on the basis of their gender, experience, school location,
school ownership and academic qualification. Based on the results of the
study, it was concluded among other things that motivational incentives were
not properly utilized by the teachers' employers to encourage them bring out
their best. It was therefore recommended that; Government and employers
of . teachers should pay more attention to the needs of the teachers for
positive ยท and effective classroom management and achievement of
educational objectives; organize workshops, seminars; in-service training
programmers to enable teachers be acquainted with the right technology,
current developments and problems in their respective disciplines; and also
supply adequate instructional facilities in schools to enable the teachers
perform their roles better.