
The 2016 Tax Justice Inter-Rail Tour in Europe



Tax Justice Together (TJT) is a partnership of 21 European and 3 non-European NGOs, who have come together to co-create exciting and innovative campaigning for tax justice, at national, European and global levels. Our overall goal is to achieve concrete policy changes through empowered and mobilized citizens who strongly and creatively advocate for a fairer international tax system. TJT is, thus, a meeting place, a shared endeavor that brought together many of the most active organizations advocating for Tax Justice inside and outside of Europe. It represented an opportunity to facilitate mutual knowledge and created synergies amongst partners, strengthening the global Tax Justice movement and transforming it from an abstract idea into a relational network based on personal connections. The Tax Tour was a dynamic space for tax justice advocates from the global South and North to share experiences, campaign together, boost political change and build new alliances. The event began on the 10th of April to the 26th of April 2016, ten activists from Argentina, Brazil, Malawi, Nigeria and Zambia toured Europe participating in public events, high-level advocacy meetings, volunteers’ conferences, university debates, movie screenings, tax quiz, media stunts, with a grand finale at the European Union Commission in Brussels with members of parliament and directors of the commission.