
The ancient philosophical treatment of ontology and the totalitarian tendencies of man



The critical question on being or reality is a fundamental one in the history of thought. Right from the ancient period of the history of philosophy,Ontology(which is the study of Being precisely as being) has been pre-occupied withunraeling the meaning and true ocation of being.!onsequently,arious reactionsor interpretations has been gien by arious Ontologists as the true meaning or ocation for being. But one common denominator from ancient ontology is that being is an ob"ect with fi#ed attributes. This idea of ob"ectification of being limitsthe understanding of being and ma$es it to encounter different $inds of opposition.The opposition encountered by being as a result of its mis-representation byancient ontology has a lin$ with man%s totalitarian tendencies. This paper aims attracing the origin of the mis-representation of being by ancient ontology and to

e#plain how they are responsible for the attitude of rigidity and totalitarianismcharacteristics of man$ind