



The critical question on being or reality is a fundamental one in the history of thought.Right from the ancient period of the history of philosophy,Ontology (which is the studyof Being precisely as being) has been preoccupied with unra!eling the meaning and true!ocation of being."onsequently,!arious reactions or interpretations has been gi!en by!arious Ontologists as the true meaning or !ocation for being. But one commondenominator from ancient ontology is that being is an ob#ect with fi$ed attributes. Thisidea of ob#ectification of Being limits the understanding of Being and ma%es it toencounter different %inds of opposition. The opposition encountered by Being as a resultof its misrepresentation by ancient ontology has a lin% with man&s totalitarian tendencies.This paper aims at tracing the origin of the misrepresentation of being by ancientontology and to e$plain how they are responsible for the attitude of rigidity andtotalitarianism characteristics of man%ind.