
The humanities and challenges of modern times: for better, for worse?-A philosophical Inquiry.



The challenges of modern existence have left man without a choice than to embrace thehumanities in his daily commerce with the world. Prior to, and even at this moment, science has become “a sole passion” for modern man that the humanities division is expected to adopt ascientific methodology for its researches. Without these challenges of modern existence,Philosophy, religion, literature, history or language would have gone scientific.Fortunately for man, the fundamental tas of the humanities is to raise or initiate and propagatethe basic !uestions of life and living. Whether the world is good or bad for man, whether it illshim or maes him great, the humanities must be there to help him answer the fundamental!uestions of life and living and to restore hope where science has offered hopelessness. Thechallenges of globali"ation and war for instance, would have sent man into oblivion were thereno humanities to curtail and mitigate the excesses of these challenges.The high point of this discussion shows that whether for good or bad, for better or for worse, theworld needs the humanities division to curtail or mitigate the excesses posed by present daychallenges of human existence. #onse!uently, we begin by clarifying the concept “humanities”.Thereafter, we examine the various divisions of the humanities and their roles in mitigating thechallenges of modern times. $n addition we loo into the various challenges of modern timescalling for the attention of the humanities. We shall conclude with recommendations on the needfor the humanities division in every sphere of learning and social relationship.